Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Love In Fine Fashion: McCord Museum

Love In Fine Fashion

November 20, 2014 - April 19, 2015

McCord Museum will present the exhibition Love In Fine Fashion, featuring some thirty elegant wedding dresses and an equal number of accessories, shoes, bags, gloves, stockings, garters and caps dating from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, all from the Museum's extensive Costume and Textiles collection, which includes 150 wedding dresses.

Every item on display has borne witness to a true love story, beyond the one constructed for the exhibition. The oldest among them–a cap and collar–date back to 1816, while the most recent are a 2008 wedding gown created by Helmer Joseph and a dress by Marie Saint Pierre from the same year, worn as a wedding dress by a young woman who loved the design. A grande dame of mid-20th century Montreal fashion, Gaby Bernier, is represented by one of her creations, as are designers Serge & Réal, with a dress created for a lavish 1984 Montreal wedding, and Michel Desjardins, whose elegant silk duchesse satin dress dates from 2006.

The exhibition is divided into eight themes that form the backbone of the story, which evolves along with the idiomatic expressions that express the sweethearts' shifting sentiments. Their initial meeting is haute en couleur[colourful] (zone I). He thinks she is fine comme une soie [fine as silk--lovely] (zone 2). Is she la perle rare [that rare pearl--the one] (zone 3)? And are they cut from the same cloth (zone 4)? For she does not alwaysfait dans la dentelle [wear kid gloves] (zone 5). Quelle tournure pendront les choses [How will things turn out] (zone 6)? For things can come apart at the seams (zone 7). But she is not à la traîne [hemming and hawing] (zone 8). Will their union be couronnée [crowned] with success?

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For more information visit the McCord Museum's website:

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