Michel Lemieux - Victor Pilon:
30 years of innovative performances
May 1 - August 31, 2014
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, as a
principal partner, is hosting the 2014 International Digital Arts Biennial and is presenting
the multidisciplinary company Lemieux & Pilon 4D Art. This is a retrospective
exhibition with an immersive installation which celebrates the 30th anniversary
of the company founded in Montreal
in 1983.
Lemieux Pilon 4D Art's speciality is performance art. They have well
over thirty original productions to their credit. Their works combine theatre, film, dance, poetry, music, visual arts and
sound to create original works that meet acclaim when performed.
The company creates hybrid shows fusing
reality and virtuality, the performing arts and new media. Their productions,
which employ the technology of virtual projections, erase the boundaries
between performance, set design, film, video, dance, poetry, visual arts,
light, music and sound exploration, promoting the integration of those diverse
forms of expression.
For more information, visit the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts' website